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Tag: Credit Risk

Sep 6, 2024
Week in Review
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has praised India’s ongoing impressive economic performance, highlighting that the country is once again poised to lead the ranking of the ten fastest-growing major economies in 2024.

Sep 5, 2024
Performance metrics are used to assess and enhance efficiency, productivity and success in organizations or projects. But they can also measure customer performance, assess risk and rank customers.

Aug 29, 2024
During vendor selection, customers are expected to compare and negotiate terms. But what might lead them to switch to a new vendor, even if the current one is a good fit?

Aug 29, 2024
In the construction industry, various factors can make unfinished projects unavoidable. In recent months, the number of abandoned construction projects has increased due to higher insurance and interest rates, rising material costs, delayed shipments, labor shortages and adverse weather conditions.

Aug 15, 2024
Imagine a stretch of land where financial institutions are as elusive as an oasis in the desert—that’s a banking desert, an area devoid of bank branches.

Jul 11, 2024
In a landmark 5-4 decision in Harrington v. Purdue Pharma that will significantly reshape corporate bankruptcy practice, the U.S. Supreme Court resolved a circuit split regarding the authority of a bankruptcy court to approve releases in favor of non-debtor entities without the consent of impacted third parties. Reversing the decision of the Second Circuit, the Supreme Court’s narrow majority held that such non-consensual releases—other than in the context of asbestos-related claims—are not authorized under the Bankruptcy Code.