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Feb 8, 2024
Competition creates significant consumer benefits, including increased innovation, efficiency, variety, quality and lower prices. Antitrust laws, which prevent companies from unfairly dominating markets or stifling competition, ensure that customers have options. Why it matters: Understanding and complying with antitrust laws is essential in the credit industry to preserve competition, prevent violations that could lead to severe penalties including fines and imprisonment, and maintain a company’s reputation and future business opportunities.

Feb 8, 2024
After a brief respite of bipartisanship in January, the border security and foreign aid package is officially dead in the water, and the Senate’s busy legislative calendar has effectively stalled the bipartisan tax package that the House passed last week. In other words, everything is back to normal in D.C. On Wednesday, Jan. 31, the House passed, by a strong margin of 357-70, a bipartisan tax package that extended the increased child tax credit for another two years as well as several business tax provisions that were part of the Trump tax cuts in 2017. Most notably:

Feb 1, 2024
In response to global conflicts, the U.S. and its allies have increased economic sanctions and enforcement measures against various countries. Businesses can minimize their exposure to these changes by regularly monitoring sanction updates, understanding applicable laws, integrating sanctions compliance into regulatory processes and strengthening Know-Your-Customer (KYC) policies. Why it matters: The noticeable surge in, attention to and enforcement of international trade requirements and regulations underscore the need for credit managers to stay vigilant and be aware of potential …

Feb 1, 2024
In response to global conflicts, the U.S. and its allies have increased economic sanctions and enforcement measures against various countries. Businesses can minimize their exposure to these changes by regularly monitoring sanction updates, understanding applicable laws, integrating sanctions compliance into regulatory processes and strengthening Know-Your-Customer (KYC) policies. Why it matters: The noticeable surge in, attention to and enforcement of international trade requirements and regulations underscore the need for credit managers to stay vigilant and be aware of potential …