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Jan 18, 2024
Automation can help streamline repetitive tasks, reduce errors and ensure timely responses, improving overall credit management. A recent eNews poll brought light to the fact that 65% of credit professionals do not leverage automation for their credit and collections processes. Surprisingly, of the 35% who do, only 21% are satisfied with their automation or technology vendors, leaving room for opportunity for improvement.

Jan 18, 2024
In today’s workplace culture, staff needs to know they matter and that they make a difference. Every member of a company wants their voice to be heard and more importantly, want their work and their presence to be valued. It can be a challenge to make everyone on the team feel appreciated, especially in larger teams, as everyone has their own way of feeling appreciated. Why it Matters: By learning about the different ways you can show appreciation for others, you not only improve your employee’s confidence, but make for a more efficient credit team.

Jan 4, 2024
We all know the saying “cash is king” rings as a true statement in the credit world. It’s critically important to look closely at where and how a business generates its cash, looking no further than the Statement of Cash Flows. This statement provides information on a business’s cash during a specified period, helping credit professionals analyze its financial health. Understanding cash flow is critical for assessing risk and the financial outlook of a company.