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Apr 25, 2024
Staying ahead often means embracing innovative tools and technologies. One such tool gaining traction is ChatGPT, an advanced language model that can assist credit managers in various aspects of their work.

Apr 25, 2024
Cyber criminals send over three billion emails per day through phishing attacks disguised as trusted senders. The scammer may use the name of trusted companies, or even your CEO. Unfortunately, the weakest link in a cyberattack is the person behind the keyboard—all it takes is one click on the wrong link.

Apr 25, 2024
Timeliness is essential in the credit management profession, as delayed actions can result in missed sales opportunities, financial losses and strained customer relationships.

Apr 25, 2024
Collecting important project information for payment documents, like preliminary notices or lien waivers, can pose a widespread challenge across the construction industry—and it can become frustrating when you realize essential project details are left behind when completing documentation.

Apr 24, 2024
Blog Post
The goal for B2B credit managers is to wisely offer credit to customers, minimize nonpayment risk and foster business relationships. It is through NACM’s Professional Certification Program, that credit professionals are able to learn or re-educate themselves on various aspects of trade credit, becoming a more efficient credit leader in the process.

Apr 23, 2024
Blog Post
B2B trade credit professionals are not confined to any one set of responsibilities or one single role. It’s a profession that branches out into multiple areas of work. Even for those who did not start out in the profession at the beginning of their career—credit has opened doors for new opportunities. Through NACM’s Professional Certification Program, credit professionals have the tools they need to explore more about their passion and learn new skills.

Apr 22, 2024
Week in Review
A general election held in July 2023 resulted in a significant seat gain for the main opposition PP and fewer losses than expected for the member parties of the incumbent minority government headed by Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez. However, neither the center-right PP nor Sánchez’s center-left PSOE won enough seats to claim a majority and a lack of parliamentary allies doomed PP leader Alberto Feijóo’s efforts to secure confirmation of a minority government to failure.

Apr 18, 2024
Gone are the days of cash and checks, as payment methods have taken a leap into the future. Last year, we surveyed credit professionals on customer payment methods from most to least common. Checks topped the list, closely followed by Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments.