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Unleash your inner potential with professional certifications 

Everyone has the capacity to learn, whether it’s practicing new skills or applying yourself in school. However, earning a certification takes an extra level of effort, especially when it’s aimed at advancing your career. Credit professionals ready to excel in their roles will earn designations through NACM’s and FCIB’s Professional Certification Programs, each level providing them the tools and knowledge to improve their practices and make informed credit decisions.  

Charity Wyatt, CBA, credit specialist at Steel Dynamics, Inc., Roanoke Bar Division (Roanoke, VA), said that earning the Credit Business Associate (CBA) certification was a crucial first step toward her goal of achieving the Certified Credit Executive (CCE) designation. “The CBA certification will not only enhance my resume but also provide a solid foundation in credit principles, which is part…

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Aug 14, 2024
Securing a professional designation in credit management not only enhances your expertise but also significantly enriches your career, opening doors to new opportunities and greater recognition in the field. The Certified Business Fellow (CBF) designation, earned after the CBA, is one of the six levels of NACM’s Professional Certification Program. It highlights advanced knowledge and contributions in business credit and demonstrates expertise in business and credit law. 

Aug 13, 2024
One of credit professionals’ biggest strengths is the ability to adapt in any situation. This strength translates to multiple avenues in life, especially when it comes to learning something new. NACM’s Professional Certification Program gives credit professionals the opportunity to challenge themselves by learning multiple subjects and different aspects of credit. 

Aug 9, 2024
🎙️On today’s episode of Extra Credit, climate change is increasing the frequency and intensity of severe weather events and natural disasters around the world.  ✍️A written plan ensures that the strategies have been well thought out rather than made during an emergency; it ensures decisions and actions taken are even handed. 🌟Hear from Beatrice Petrozzino; Barbara Roy; and Roxanne Price, CCE!

Aug 7, 2024
Leaving a legacy is about more than just the work accomplished—it’s about the values instilled, the relationships forged and the positive changes implemented. A legacy is a testament to a well-lived career and a blueprint for future success and inspiration. Join us in celebrating David Watson, CCE, a long-standing NACM member who retired this year after 12 dedicated years as a collector with NACM Southwest. 

Jul 31, 2024
In today’s competitive world, attaining professional designations isn’t just about adding a line to your resume—it’s a journey of growth, commitment and transformation. Through NACM’s six-level Professional Certification Program, credit professionals have the opportunity to grow personally and professionally, while progressing in their career. A Certified Credit Executive (CCE) designation holder showcases executive-level credit expertise in accounting, finance, domestic and international credit concepts, management and law.

Jul 30, 2024
The beauty of the credit profession is the number of professionals who did not start in the finance field. Many say they have stumbled into credit—whether they used to work in an adjacent field or an opposite one. But anyone who enters the credit world can be successful in all they do. It starts with education.  NACM’s Professional Certification Program provides six levels of certification for those who want to take on the challenge of learning and pushing themselves harder to gain new skills. The first of those six levels is the Credit Business Associate (CBA): academic-based desig…

Jul 23, 2024
Professional and personal matters can be hard to balance throughout life—especially when you want to show up authentically in each aspect. NACM’s Professional Certification Program allows credit professionals to elevate their career while still maintaining a work-life balance.