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Credit Risk Insurers & Bank News

05 July 24

Updates every Friday.
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➦ French elections round two, the political tide turns in the UK and globetrotters driving the tourism rebound
This week, we look at three critical issues

➦ Securing critical infrastructure: the two-for-one of green investment
In a world of mounting geopolitical tensions and intensifying climate change, critical infrastructure is particularly at risk of disruption.

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➦ Economic Outlook – July 2024
The global economy seems on track for a soft landing, as inflation is coming down while a recession can be avoided.

➦ Machines and Engineering Industry Trends June 2024
Contractions continue in Europe and the US, but a 2025 rebound is on the cards

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➦ Risk Trend Reporting Across the Energy and Power Industry
Marsh’s Advisory solutions team has analyzed data and information contained in the annual reports of prominent energy and power companies listed on global stock exchanges to assess the key risk reporting trends related to enterprise risk management, as well as environmental, social, governance (ESG) disclosures.

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➦ It may be hot outside, but inflation is finally cooling
Bird Food: Some Dovish Central Bank Rate Holds Amid Lighter Global Data Week

➦ Service Providers Spark Concern in June ISM
The ISM services index slipped into contraction for the second time in three months, sparking concern for service-sector resilience. But the outturn may overstate current weakness as the details are more consistent with a moderating rather than contracting sector.

➦ Despite Import Decline, Net Exports to Slice Q2 Real GDP Growth
The U.S. international trade balance worsened for the second straight month in May, leaving the deficit at its widest position since late 2022. A resilient domestic U.S. economy and steady dollar strength are supportive of a widening deficit this year. Net exports are now tracking to slice a full percentage point or more from Q2 real GDP growth. sector.