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Feb 1, 2024
In response to global conflicts, the U.S. and its allies have increased economic sanctions and enforcement measures against various countries. Businesses can minimize their exposure to these changes by regularly monitoring sanction updates, understanding applicable laws, integrating sanctions compliance into regulatory processes and strengthening Know-Your-Customer (KYC) policies. Why it matters: The noticeable surge in, attention to and enforcement of international trade requirements and regulations underscore the need for credit managers to stay vigilant and be aware of potential …

Feb 1, 2024
In response to global conflicts, the U.S. and its allies have increased economic sanctions and enforcement measures against various countries. Businesses can minimize their exposure to these changes by regularly monitoring sanction updates, understanding applicable laws, integrating sanctions compliance into regulatory processes and strengthening Know-Your-Customer (KYC) policies. Why it matters: The noticeable surge in, attention to and enforcement of international trade requirements and regulations underscore the need for credit managers to stay vigilant and be aware of potential …

Jan 25, 2024
In response to global conflicts, the U.S. and its allies have increased economic sanctions and enforcement measures against various countries. Businesses can minimize their exposure to these changes by regularly monitoring sanction updates, understanding applicable laws, integrating sanctions compliance into regulatory processes and strengthening Know-Your-Customer (KYC) policies. Why it matters: The noticeable surge in, attention to and enforcement of international trade requirements and regulations underscore the need for credit managers to stay vigilant and be aware of potential …

Jan 25, 2024
The construction industry is directly impacted by weather conditions—heavy rain, snowstorms and dangerous heat temperatures can cause issues such as improper concrete curing and foundation pouring, for example. These can lead to prolonged delays resulting in project timeline disruptions, increased costs and ultimately impact the ability for creditors to get paid. Extreme weather events are only expected to become more common, and the construction industry is faced with finding creative strategies to adapt.

Jan 25, 2024
Adhering to a corporate credit policy is essential to managing and assessing credit risk, setting payment terms and ensuring a healthy cash flow. Having a policy in place to follow establishes the guidelines to maintain financial stability and build trust with customers while minimizing the potential for bad debt. Although a credit policy is one of the most important documents in credit management, many credit departments do not have a credit policy set in place. Establishing a sound credit policy empowers the credit department to not only be an asset to the company but also play a key role…

Jan 25, 2024
The causes of late payments are diverse and can negatively impact stakeholders across various industries—everything from supply chain delays, cash flow issues and invoicing errors. Credit managers must use proactive strategies to encourage timely payments from habitual and sporadic late payers.

Jan 18, 2024
Conflict is unavoidable. It can arise at any moment in your personal life and professional settings, whether between peers or even within yourself. But what do you do when conflict crosses over the line of leadership?

Jan 18, 2024
Automation can help streamline repetitive tasks, reduce errors and ensure timely responses, improving overall credit management. A recent eNews poll brought light to the fact that 65% of credit professionals do not leverage automation for their credit and collections processes. Surprisingly, of the 35% who do, only 21% are satisfied with their automation or technology vendors, leaving room for opportunity for improvement.