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Technology Archive

Sep 21, 2023
The practice of customer pushback on the payment terms offer by their vendors is forcing the hand of creditors. If they accept the longer terms demanded by the customer, it will be extremely difficult to return the terms to the previous level. If creditors deny the longer terms, they run the risk of losing their customer.

Jun 1, 2023
In any organization, it’s essential to have accurate and timely financial data. However, manually reconciling cash and accounts receivable (AR) transactions can be tedious and error-prone, taking up valuable time and resources. That’s where the BlackLine Cash Application and AR Intelligence solutions come in—it’s a no-brainer decision for finance professionals looking to save time, reduce errors and gain valuable insights.

May 18, 2023
As one of the most popular forms of communication in the work world, email provides an instant way to get your message across and conduct business. Several advantages come with email communication and almost all workplaces use the tool to communicate internally and externally. In fact, 75% of credit professionals said they use email as their primary form of contact with customers, according to an eNews poll—followed by phone call (21%) and text message or postal service (3%).