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Leadership Archive

Mar 14, 2024
The pressure to make quick decisions can often compromise the integrity of due diligence processes. When faced with tight deadlines and mounting expectations, credit managers may find themselves forced to cut corners and make rushed decisions. Why it matters: Maintaining a balance between efficiency and thoroughness is crucial to ensuring accurate risk assessments and protecting the company’s interests when financial stakes are high. By the numbers: According to a recent eNews poll, 79% of credit professionals said that their companies have experienced adverse consequences due to a la…

Mar 14, 2024
In an industry where decisions can have significant financial implications, mere competence is often not enough to inspire confidence. Credit managers must strive to cultivate a unique brand of “credit”-ability—a combination of expertise, integrity and professionalism that sets them apart as trusted partners in risk management.

Mar 7, 2024
One-on-one meetings offer a special forum for detailed discussions and personalized support. However, few organizations offer comprehensive guidance or training for managers to hold these individual employee meetings.

Feb 22, 2024
Leadership serves as a catalyst for change, knowledge and growth. Leaders are individuals with a wide range of expertise providing guidance to those around them—and in the workplace, it’s crucial to earn the respect and trust of your employees. But this doesn’t happen overnight. Mutual trust and respect develop over time. Several layers exist to get to the core of how your team functions both together and individually, which is why psychology plays a significant role in leading effectively.

Feb 15, 2024
Credit scores reflect how likely or unlikely a person is to pay any loaned amount of money back. Three digits, typically between the range of 300 to 850, can decide your fate in a multitude of purchases from vehicles to mortgages or student loans, for example. These scores are used by companies to determine the interest rates and credit limits you should receive.

Jan 18, 2024
Conflict is unavoidable. It can arise at any moment in your personal life and professional settings, whether between peers or even within yourself. But what do you do when conflict crosses over the line of leadership?

Jan 18, 2024
In today’s workplace culture, staff needs to know they matter and that they make a difference. Every member of a company wants their voice to be heard and more importantly, want their work and their presence to be valued. It can be a challenge to make everyone on the team feel appreciated, especially in larger teams, as everyone has their own way of feeling appreciated. Why it Matters: By learning about the different ways you can show appreciation for others, you not only improve your employee’s confidence, but make for a more efficient credit team.

Jan 11, 2024
Leadership is not just a title; it’s a commitment to steering the course of an industry that is ever evolving. The National Association of Credit Management (NACM) proudly introduces its newly appointed chair, a seasoned professional with a proven track record of excellence … JoAnn Malz, CCE, ICCE, director of credit, collections and billing at The Imagine Group LLC (Shakopee, MN). As a dedicated credit professional and NACM member, Malz has big plans and a strategic vision for the future of the industry and our association.