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Member Spotlights Archive

Mar 27, 2024
Blog Post
In B2B credit, business and law go together. Developing skills in business law helps credit professionals navigate complex legal environments, mitigate risks, protect assets and foster ethical conduct. Timothy Van Natta, CBF, clinical assurance division chief at California Department of Health Services (Sacramento, CA), just earned his Certified Business Fellow (CBF) designation through NACM’s six-level Professional Certification Program.

Mar 26, 2024
Blog Post
Credentials matter in credit. They enhance both your personal and company’s value through education and improve confidence in your day-to-day duties. NACM’s Professional Certification Program provides six levels of certification for credit professionals who want a deeper dive into their careers.

Mar 19, 2024
Blog Post
NACM’s Professional Certification Program gives credit professionals the opportunity to earn designations and apply useful knowledge to excel in their career. For some, the journey to success is a straight path—but for others, the journey takes them over a few hurdles before reaching the finish line. The certification program equips both new and experienced credit professionals with the tools needed to overcome challenges and succeed.

Mar 13, 2024
Blog Post
Since the early 2000s, artificial intelligence has revolutionized business, creating new roles and boosting productivity. However, its lack of human elements like creativity and emotional intelligence has increased the demand for workers with specialized skills and knowledge. Through NACM’s six-level Professional Certification Program, credit professionals can acquire credit knowledge as well as the technical and soft skills required in credit management.