Credit Education in Action: The Impact of NACM’s Professional Certifications

NACM’s six-level Professional Certification Program is nothing short of a stepping stone for success. Each designation is designed to help credit professionals of all levels expand their understanding of credit management.
For instance, Mikayla Aaenson, CBA, accounting specialist II at Hilmar Cheese Company (Hilmar, CA), obtained her Credit Business Associate (CBA) designation to expand her knowledge of the credit field and grow in a new position at her company.
The CBA is an academic-based designation which signals mastery of three business-credit related disciplines: Basic Financial Accounting, Financial Statement Analysis I and Business Credit Principles. While working full-time and balancing family life, Aaenson earned her CBA designation in the span of one and a half years. “I learned a lot about credit as I am fairly new to the field,” she said.
Motivated by her accomplishment, Aaenson hopes to continue to take more courses and receive more certifications through NACM. “I very much enjoy working in the credit field and hope to become a credit manager one day.”
💡Study tips: Make a schedule that includes designated study times. “This helps me from getting overwhelmed and avoids the stress of waiting until the last minute to complete everything,” said Aaenson. “I really enjoyed the course and what I learned from NACM and look forward to doing more. I am also very excited to attend NACM’s Credit Congress & Expo next year.”
For more information about each designation within NACM’s Professional Certification Program, visit our website.
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