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NACM’s Secured Transaction Services: An Extension of Your Credit Team

The construction industry presents unique challenges for credit professionals due to its complicated nature. For example, credit professionals must assess the risk associated with multiple parties involved in a single project. Cash flows in construction often depend on project milestones and payments, making it challenging to predict when and how payments will be received.

The construction industry presents unique challenges for credit professionals due to its complicated nature. For example, credit professionals must assess the risk associated with multiple parties involved in a single project. Cash flows in construction often depend on project milestones and payments, making it challenging to predict when and how payments will be received.

Given these complexities, credit professionals in the construction industry must have a deep understanding of the industry’s dynamics to effectively assess and manage credit risk. NACM’s Secured Transaction Services (STS) acts as an extension of your credit team to help manage the nuances of the construction industry.

NACM brings a member-centric customer service aspect by putting members’ needs first. The personal touch behind all services makes STS stand out from competitors. “We are engaged, we are focused and we are an extension of our members’ credit team,” said Jocelyn Vanlandingham, operations manager for STS (Columbia, MD). “Securing rights for our members is a top priority for us, so we handle and review every project as if it were our own.”

Some companies have worked with and used STS for more than a decade, establishing a strong relationship. Ricky Garcia, credit supervisor at Miner, LTD (San Antonio, TX) said his company has worked with STS since 2008 along with their management and staff. “STS works at a high level of consistency, promptness and professionalism,” Garcia said. “I believe this sets them apart from their competitors.”

The genuine passion to help credit professionals easily translates into the services STS provides to its customers. STS is managed by credit professionals, for credit professionals, said Anne Scarcella, CCECCRA, credit manager at Crawford Electric Supply Company, Inc. (Houston, TX). “The information is accurate, timely and important,” Scarcella added. “Customer service, reliability and reputation make NACM stand apart. The website portal is also very user-friendly and clear, and STS does a great job in the services they provide because each service is valuable for credit professionals.”

The STS Lien Navigator provides step-by-step time frames for all 50 states, D.C. and the Canadian provinces. The Lien Navigator contains links to statute references, quick list sections and “Speed Bump” warnings—cautioning users of nuances in the law. With a Miller Act section, public bond thresholds and values, and a robust glossary, the Lien Navigator serves as a comprehensive guide accessible 24/7.

Sherry Raposo, corporate credit manager at VSS Emultech (West Sacramento, CA) said STS has many years of experience in the construction field and preparing preliminary notices. NTO services are especially helpful to credit teams who experience high volumes. “The verification process with NACM’s STS is great because we get updates on when to act on jobs via their reminders, providing our customers with releases monthly,” Raposo said. “The NTO service is a one-stop shop and we can do all we need to do with the STS program. Not one job has ever been forgotten or overlooked by STS.”

With more than 100 years of experience, STS strives to fulfill all the needs of credit professionals in the construction industry. In addition to services such as NTO and the Lien Navigator, STS provides a lien and bond claim filing program along with deadline tracking, demand letters, bond payment investigation services, UCC filings and a waiver manager. “Protecting our lien and bond rights to leverage payment and establishing credit on construction projects have been very helpful in our construction credit decision making,” said Garcia. “The services NACM’s STS provides are essential to our credit department and we will continue to access their expertise in the construction industry.”

Because STS believes that they are part of your team, your work is their work. STS pays attention to detail, questions things that don’t look quite right and is always available to work with you so that together, the best credit decision is made. “We are a partnership service provider,” said Chris Ring of NACM’s Secured Transaction Services. “We consult with our member customers on a daily basis to provide best-in-class services and trusted guidance.”

For more information regarding NACM’s Secured Transaction Services, visit our website or contact STS representatives Chris Ring at and Jocelyn Vanlandingham at You can also join our Construction Credit Thought Leaders Discussion group to connect and network with others in the industry.

Kendall Payton, social media manager

Kendall Payton is a social media manager at NACM National. As a writer who covers all things in B2B trade credit, her eNews stories and Business Credit magazine articles are crafted to keep B2B credit professionals abreast of industry trends. When she’s not in writer mode, she’s hosting the Extra Credit podcast or leading NACM’s Credit Thought Leaders forum—a platform for credit leaders to network and discuss challenges and solutions. Though writing and podcasting have become her strong suits, Kendall loves to edit and create video content in her free time.